Getting started with Adobe InDesign Server 2020 — Feature Restricted Licensing
Install InDesign Server 2020.1.1 and up
Step 1: Login to Admin Console
Step 2: Navigate to Packages > Create a Package
Step 3: Choose Online activation method
Step 4: Select InDesign Server in the list of available entitlements
Step 5: Choose preferred platform and language
Step 6: Click the ‘+’ icon to add InDesign Server to package
Step 7: Recommended to leave it all to default settings on next screen
Step 8: Give an appropriate package name so the same installer can be used for future re-installation if required
Step 9: Downloading Package
Win : Download and extract .zip file
Mac: Download the package and run the .dmg file which is an online installer which start downloading the actual InDesign Server assets required for installation. It should download a .zip file in the same directory as your package .dmg file
Step 10: Installation
Win: Double click “Setup.exe” to start installation
Mac: Double click “..Install.pkg” to start installation
Step 11: Once installation is successful, try starting an instance of InDesign Server to make sure it’s running correctly
Command to start InDesign Server on a SOAP port
./InDesignServer -port 12345
Step 12: Once InDesign Server is up and running, you should see the following message on the console
“Servicing SOAP requests on port 12345”
Which means InDesign Server is ready to receive a job request on SOAP port 12345. You can also verify that InDesign Server is indeed responding to SOAP request by navigating to http://localhost:12345/service?wsdl which should respond with it’s service definitions
For more details on how InDesign Server works, make sure to read the getting started documentation at <install _dir>/Documentation/English/Intro to InDesign Server 2020.pdf
Note: We didn’t have to activate InDesign Server to use it as the license information has already been baked into the package file and it’s automatically activated for you during installation. However, if you need to re-license InDesign Server, you’d go through the same Step 1 through 9, only skipping Step 6 and create a “License-only Package”. Then use the following command to apply the license to an existing InDesign Server installation.
- Extract the contents of the .dmg package.
- The license-only package contains a .json file (that contains the licensing information) and the Licensing Toolkit utility(adobe-licensing-toolkit):
- To install the license, run the following commands with admin privileges:
- Windows: adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -p -i -f <absolute path of the .json file>
- Mac: sudo adobe-licensing-toolkit -p -i -f <absolute path of the .json file>
If you’re a serial number user of InDesign Server running version 15.0 and prior, follow this article here